Magnificent Women

A collection of female figures and portraits inspired by real life heroines and creatives

who embody qualities of courage, strength and genius.

Click here for purchase enquiries.

(click image to see whole painting)

The Wallflower
Acrylic - 30"x40"

Acrylic - 30"x40"

Acrylic - 20"x20"

Acrylic - 20"x20"

Acrylic - 20"x20"

Acrylic - 20"x20"

Maja and Margret
Acrylic - 40"x30"

The Imaginary Menagerie
Acrylic Gallery Wrapped - 36"x24"

Gathering of Friends
Acrylic - 30"x40"

Mona Lisa’s Bird
Acrylic Gallery Wrapped - 36"x24"

Rapunzel Rapunzel
Acrylic on canvas - 20 x 20in

Homage to the Red Dress
Acrylic on canvas - 24x36in

As The World Turns
Acrylic on canvas - 36x24in

Coming Through
Acrylic on canvas - 40 x 30in

Fall Down 7, Get Up 8
Acrylic on canvas - 20 x 20in