Hello Dear Art Lover
And the Living' is Easy
Finally it's summertime...I hope your livin' will be easy. Fun times with friends and family, BBQs, picnics, swimming perhaps. All those relaxed things we like to do when the warm weather hits. I'll be spending a good chunk of time up in paradise (aka Thunder Bay) This year I am looking forward to having my grandsons and daughters join me. We'll be exploring canyons, zip lining, hiking, swimming and as always, lots of sauna followed by the refreshing dips into Lake Superior. I can hardly wait!
As well, I've decided to take a break from the business side of my art career. So you'll have to wait til September for another exciting edition of the Living Artfully newsletter. You know how I get inspired from a good dose of the north country.
This past 4 weeks have been a whirlwind of art fairs. I've never done so many (3) in such a short time span. Previously, I had sworn off the outdoor shows, but I can attest that it actually energized me and helped me to focus on my path. There were many wonderful conversations with new friends and we were lucky that the weather cooperated quite well...despite that very windy Saturday last. I was lucky my tent didn't fly away and all the art stayed on the walls.
CONGRATULATIONS to Ardith and Joy for being the winners of a free print by visiting my booth at the Rosedale Artfair and the Riverdale Artwalk.
CONGRATULATIONS to Doug for winning this second draw of the month from my newsletter. I'll send a message for your address.
Thanks also for all the help I had in setting up and taking down the booths and for hanging out with me. Thanks to the ever patient peach, AKA husband Ron, Lise, Dorothy, Hilja, Angela, Steven, Nancy, Sandra, Mina and Sam.
Of course, I must thank all the wonderful people who came and talked art with me. It was so much fun to share the stories of how my art works came into being. Luckily I was able to hang the painting that Bill and I had so much fun creating. It's a showstopper as you can see.
This is the last newsletter of the season. I'll see you in September and I hope you have a wonderful summer. My Instagram will be less active, but I'm sure I'll have something to show you. Please watch next week's last Live IG of Living Artfully with Gail on Thursday at 1pm. Season 2 will start in September.
I'm attaching some fun shots from the Riverdale Artwalk. If your'e desperate for a studio visit that can always be arranged.
Rock on,