
2020-05 Welcome to YOUR Creative Life

Hello Dear Art Lover. Welcome to YOUR Creative Life 🍀🍀🍀

I’m not really sure how to start this newsletter. There's so much fear and panic surrounding us. It's like 9/11.

At first you can't believe it and then that's all you see in the news and all anyone is talking about. And it's over

and over and over again. 

So I think what I'll do is try and give you some ideas I have seen others doing that can help you get through this. Because this will pass and I truly believe if we take the high road, we can be better for this experience.

I'm going to paraphrase the advice given by an artist and his wife who is a psychologist that I posted on my FB. sergiogomezart if you are interested.

1. Get your information from reliable sources. That means not DR. INTERNET.

2.Try not to be constantly looking at the news.

3. Find ways to de-stress. It may be funny movies, music, learn a new skill, revisit a hobby, play with your kids, hug a tree. 

 I thought that watching the old Christmas movies could be fun. 🎄

Play your music LOUD. 🎤


Exercise .

Travel virtually. .Thanks Sandra😘

Finger paint or just any kind of painting. Paint like a kid..let yourself go.🖌

I would love to hear what ideas you have. Cleaning the house is not at the top of my list, but it is there.

Do your fun!

Take an online course. 🎓

My art is on the walls of The Beacher Cafe, 2162 Queen St E for the month of March. But I do post online in FB and IG.

Our other shows are cancelled. Check my website for new art please. The painting I have attached is 'Block Party' which is where we'll all be again.

Keep calm and rock on my friends,



2019-8 - 💓 GRATITUDE

Hello dear art lover Welcome to YOUR Creative Life

Yesterday, after I used my freedom to vote in the advance polls, I went for a walk in my neighbourhood ravine. I am so fortunate to be able to access quiet in the middle of a busy city. Not only am I grateful for living in this country, at this time, I have a wonderful family and a tribe of amazing friends who celebrate me. I think the beautiful maple leaf I have attached is a reminder of our good fortune. I'm always looking up and down when I walk. You never know what will catch your eye.

I also have great news about the painting I currently have in the Salt Spring show.💃 It has sold! It will be going to it's new home in Salt Spring to a couple who completely connect with the power of the image and I couldn't be happier. I have attached the photo of me on the night of the opening gala. It was such an affirming experience for me and I wouldn't have been there without the support of so many people. Again, my heartfelt thanks.

My creativity tip🖌 for today is about overcoming the fear of the blank paper/canvas. Not an original idea, but a reminder to suspend judgement! Forget those monkeys on your shoulder. Put on music that moves you, take a few moments to really feel it and then start by allowing your whole body to put the paint on the canvas. Switch the brush to your non-dominant hand, hold it by the end, use different sizes of brushes or sponges or chopsticks or forks or rags. Anything at all to loosen up. And always remember, it's just some paint and paper/canvas. You can always paint over it.

Save the Dates:

Details to follow.

Happy Thanksgiving,🦃
