Hello Dear Art Lover
From My Heart to Your's
You may not realize how much I truly appreciate your support. My Super Sale was such a success. Thanks for adding my art to your home. Thanks for telling your friends about my art. Thanks for bringing your friends and family to my art shows. Thanks for reading this letter and for keeping in touch. I value all of it...truly, madly, deeply.
Yesterday, I found some of my life drawing sketches that I had done back in 1967/8. That bundle of charcoal drawings brought up a load of memories. I'd come down from Port Arthur, as Thunder Bay was then called, to study radiation therapy at Princess Margaret Hospital. NOT my first choice of study. When I received the rejection from art school, my dad was relieved. Now I could find a 'real job' . But that did not deter me from taking art classes at night school. Of course that fork in the road has led to a rich life, not the least of which is the meeting of my future husband. Thanks toBarb Jappfor talking me into joining a choir.
However, I digress. As usual. Or maybe not. I did discover that I love physics and that curiosity about how things work has taken over in my art work. I love to experiment and see what happens . For example, this week I painted over a canvas with black paint and then wiped it off and sanded it down with steel wool. That one is still in progress and may never be shown, but it taught me a few things. If you'd like details, please ask. Or try it yourself.
You know I think you are a creative being. Maybe not in the traditional sense, but creative nonetheless. This week I'm recommending a darling book by Ron Walker called 'The Art of Noticing'. It's all about paying attention to what you pay attention to. Yesterday, on my walk, I was looking for orange things. Today it's about finding the spaces around objects. Or maybe, finding security cameras. My neighbour was looking for discarded masks. I'd be interested in knowing what you might focus on. Please send me your ideas.
Last week, I finished a painting that combines several of my influences. Klimt, Rousseau, Marimekko. I've called it 'The Imaginary Menagerie' which is the painting on the top left of the attached images. As a result, I realized that I have created a Menagerie series already. I'm adding some paintings that fit the category. They are all for sale and could be in your home tomorrow. Please share them with a friend. You could take one home for a trial. Visit my studio or ask me to send an image you may have missed.
SUNDAY, DEC 5, 11-4, 7 Labatt Ave.
Who knows if I will be allowed to have a holiday show, but I have decided that I will set the date anyway. Stay tuned for updates.
Thanks again, stay real.