Hello Dear Art Lover
Something’s Coming
Best wishes for a wonderfully happy and healthy 2024. Hope you were partying all night long. I was joining you in spirit even if I did hit the hay before midnight.
Have you guessed that I’m up to something? ‘Something’s coming, I don’t know what it is but it is going to be great. ‘Well, I actually do know what it is but I can’t let the cat out of the bag just yet. Do you know which song I’m thinking about? The first correct answer WINS AN ART CARD!
In the past I’ve mentioned Austin Kleon’s delightful books ‘Steal Like anArtist’ and so on. I love his newsletter and while I’m not as prolific as he is in his reading and music listening, I do find quite a bit of gold in his missives. A while ago he mentioned a wonderful book, ‘Drawing for Illustration’ by Martin Salisbury. I highly recommend it if you are at all interested in illustration and drawing. This week he highlights the work of Lynda Barry and Alison Bechdel, two artists who use the graphic novel so marvellously. If you go to Austin’s newsletter of Jan 19, you can find a link to a podcast you might find interesting. You’ll need to send him an email to subscribe.
Austin Kleon<austinkleon@substack.com>
I recently met another amazing artist, a fellow Finnish Canadian, MinnaKoistinen who is a glass blower. She has built a significant career over several decades and very kindly allowed me to visit her studio. She holds workshops where you can create a masterpiece in just one visit. Her studio is conveniently located in mid Toronto and you can buy her work at Petroff Gallery.
Besides having something exciting in the near future, I was accepted to show my artwork in the Focus Gallery that is part of the Melt Studio in Prince Edward County in October of this year. It’s going to be a busy busy time and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Til next time, be warm and cozy. Thanks so much for reading and supporting me all last year.
Rock on,
Girls just wanna have fu-un!
The stunning work of Minna Koistinen
Minna and her state of the art kiln
Book your next hot date with Minna
Minna’s studio is mid Toronto..very conveniently located
Currently I’m with ….
Ahnisnabae Art Gallery, 18 Court St, Thunder Bay
Ongoing..my art is in the window
Coming up….
October - Nov
Focus Galley
Base 31, Barrack 3, 343 County Rd 22,
Picton, ON