
2020-04 Welcome to YOUR Creative Life

Hello Dear Art Lover. Welcome to YOUR Creative Life 📢

Spring is almost here. You can feel it in the air. Personally, except for getting my car snowed in, I think this has been a very easy winter. I figure once March has arrived, you can say that winter is basically over. So bring on the sunshine and the crocuses. And goodbye to boots and winter coats.

I have quite a few shows lined up for the coming season, but right now,  📢 this month, I have 12 paintings displayed in the Beacher cafe, 2162 Queen St E. It is a Beaches landmark and to thank you for coming out to my shows or for purchasing my art, I am treating you to coffee on Friday March 13, 10am -12pm. All art is for sale, and I will have some coasters there as well if you need a little gift for someone.

Many of you know that I find learning new technology a challenge, but I never give up. I'll find a way to get it done, even if I have to call a friend.😈. At present I am about to use an email service provider and hope to have it up by my next newsletter, so it will look a little different. Please be assured, I will NEVER give out your info to anyone.

On a personal note, my husband and I will celebrate 50 years of wedded bliss this month. I can that be? when I am only 39! Time certainly does fly and I am feeling grateful for our good health and wonderful daughters and grandchildren. Here's to 50 more??

The creativity tip 🖌 for this time is about 'grisaille' It is basically a painting done in many shades of grey. It is a great way to learn shading and depth of field. One way to start, is to do a black and white photocopy of a simple still life. Using shades of grey, paint the image. Once it is dry, start adding layers of colour. If you are using acrylics, add to acrylic medium [matte] a very small amount of colour. Let each layer dry and add another layer on top with a tiny amount more of colour mixed with medium. If you want to invest in Open acrylics you can blend them more easily without letting them dry completely. If you have questions, please ask.

I am attaching a photo of a recently completed painting called...'We're Not in Kansas Anymore' . You can see I'm letting my child out to play. I had so much fun doing this one. It will be in the spring shows.


Til next time, ROCK ON💃



2019-9 - 🔔 SAVE THE DATES

Hello dear art lover Welcome to YOUR Creative Life

I have so much to share in this newsletter I almost feel like my head could pop off.😱 Then I remember to breathe and just let the dusting go. I've got more important things to do. Like painting and sending out a newsletter and getting things ready for upcoming shows and learning how to stretch canvas and send in bios and photos and applications for more shows.

I've put a 'Save the Dates' at the bottom for easy reference.

First up though, I must tell you about my recent process painting workshop in Grand Marais, Minnesota. I did the same workshop last year and it completely changed my approach to painting. It is wonderful to spend focussed time on your craft. I think the painting I created is super good. See it in the attachment please. This is the first time I have used unstretched gessoed canvas. It felt so luxurious to really massage the paint onto the canvas. Now I need to learn how to do the stretching.

That leads me to my creativity tip 🖌. I used 10 ounce weight canvas that you get at the art supply store, just like buying fabric. I applied 3 coats of gesso and sanded lightly with fine sandpaper between coats. Wipe off the excess sanded gesso with a damp cloth. When you do your painting, you can attach it with pins to a surface. Allow at least 5 inches beyond the edge of the painting for the depth of the stretcher bars and to staple firmly at the back. You can get the stretching done at the art supply store or do it yourself. I am learning how to make neat corners. I love the way the paint went on. It seems to have more substance. I could really work the paint into the canvas. However, I did just find out that I should have stretched the canvas on the stretchers and gesso afterwards. Live and learn🎓

I also got an amazing letter of appreciation from Elsa, who bought my painting at the Salt Spring National Art Prize competition. It is very gratifying to know that people 'get' my art. I know I don't just paint pretty pictures and they seem to end up in homes where the buyer gets the message. Even if it is not the message I thought it was at first. That is the beauty of art. The eye of the beholder...YOU!👁

A quick guide to where and what I've got coming up. Please SAVE the DATES

1. Artist Network show..Oct 30-Nov24, Opening reception Nov 6, 6pm-9pm, see attached .

2 .Gifts For the Soul..Holiday market..Nov 23..see attached details

3. Gallery show..Nov 23-Dec 22, 2359 Queen St E.

4. Labatt Studio group show .. Sun Dec 1, 1-4pm, 7 Labatt Ave,

Rock on,


2019-8 - 💓 GRATITUDE

Hello dear art lover Welcome to YOUR Creative Life

Yesterday, after I used my freedom to vote in the advance polls, I went for a walk in my neighbourhood ravine. I am so fortunate to be able to access quiet in the middle of a busy city. Not only am I grateful for living in this country, at this time, I have a wonderful family and a tribe of amazing friends who celebrate me. I think the beautiful maple leaf I have attached is a reminder of our good fortune. I'm always looking up and down when I walk. You never know what will catch your eye.

I also have great news about the painting I currently have in the Salt Spring show.💃 It has sold! It will be going to it's new home in Salt Spring to a couple who completely connect with the power of the image and I couldn't be happier. I have attached the photo of me on the night of the opening gala. It was such an affirming experience for me and I wouldn't have been there without the support of so many people. Again, my heartfelt thanks.

My creativity tip🖌 for today is about overcoming the fear of the blank paper/canvas. Not an original idea, but a reminder to suspend judgement! Forget those monkeys on your shoulder. Put on music that moves you, take a few moments to really feel it and then start by allowing your whole body to put the paint on the canvas. Switch the brush to your non-dominant hand, hold it by the end, use different sizes of brushes or sponges or chopsticks or forks or rags. Anything at all to loosen up. And always remember, it's just some paint and paper/canvas. You can always paint over it.

Save the Dates:

Details to follow.

Happy Thanksgiving,🦃


2019-4 -🖌

Hello dear art lover Welcome to YOUR Creative Life

Happy Summer Solstice🔆 But are we going to get some sun?! I may just have to go north to Thunder Bay for that this year. Actually I am going to Thunder Bay in August. Have to get my dose of inspiration and family. Maybe a bit of hiking and lots of laughs. And of course, sauna..I know..who gets excited about getting clean? But I do get to jump in Lake Superior at the end of it. What can I say? We Finns are a twisted lot. It's all that darkness.😂

If you haven't had a chance to see my painting in the Artists' Network Streetcar Exhibition, please drop by 638 Queen St E. The gallery is located behind the Dark Horse Cafe. There was a wonderful crowd for the opening and I met several of the artists. One of the conversations I enjoyed was about how artists see things some people miss.

Looking and Seeing is my Creativity Tip🖌 for the week. One of the things I spend time on is reflecting on what I notice. I would encourage you to take some time to notice what draws your attention. Instead of just looking out the window, for example, pay attention to what you focus on. Or page through a magazine and stop when your eye is caught on something. If you are looking for inspiration, it is usually right at your fingertips.

In addition to having my art🖌 at the Streetcar show and my chiropractor's office..OMA Chiropractic on Queen St E, I have some work at The 6 Oceans Gallery, 962 Queen St W, Toronto. Susan is a fellow escapee from Thunder Bay and has a lovely shop full of beautiful gift wear, accessories and of course gorgeous art. I attached a file of my work that is there. It looks lovely in the store but would enhance your space even more.😈

Enjoy the longest day of the year.
