2020-05 Welcome to YOUR Creative Life

Hello Dear Art Lover. Welcome to YOUR Creative Life πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

I’m not really sure how to start this newsletter. There's so much fear and panic surrounding us. It's like 9/11.

At first you can't believe it and then that's all you see in the news and all anyone is talking about. And it's over

and over and over again. 

So I think what I'll do is try and give you some ideas I have seen others doing that can help you get through this. Because this will pass and I truly believe if we take the high road, we can be better for this experience.

I'm going to paraphrase the advice given by an artist and his wife who is a psychologist that I posted on my FB. sergiogomezart if you are interested.

1. Get your information from reliable sources. That means not DR. INTERNET.

2.Try not to be constantly looking at the news.

3. Find ways to de-stress. It may be funny movies, music, learn a new skill, revisit a hobby, play with your kids, hug a tree. 

 I thought that watching the old Christmas movies could be fun. πŸŽ„

Play your music LOUD. πŸŽ€


Exercise .

Travel virtually. Instantstreetview.com .Thanks Sandra😘

Finger paint or just any kind of painting. Paint like a kid..let yourself go.πŸ–Œ

I would love to hear what ideas you have. Cleaning the house is not at the top of my list, but it is there.

Do your taxes...so fun!

Take an online course. πŸŽ“

My art is on the walls of The Beacher Cafe, 2162 Queen St E for the month of March. But I do post online in FB and IG.

Our other shows are cancelled. Check my website for new art please. gailwilliamsartist.com The painting I have attached is 'Block Party' which is where we'll all be again.

Keep calm and rock on my friends,



2020-04 Welcome to YOUR Creative Life

Hello Dear Art Lover. Welcome to YOUR Creative Life πŸ“’

Spring is almost here. You can feel it in the air. Personally, except for getting my car snowed in, I think this has been a very easy winter. I figure once March has arrived, you can say that winter is basically over. So bring on the sunshine and the crocuses. And goodbye to boots and winter coats.

I have quite a few shows lined up for the coming season, but right now,  πŸ“’ this month, I have 12 paintings displayed in the Beacher cafe, 2162 Queen St E. It is a Beaches landmark and to thank you for coming out to my shows or for purchasing my art, I am treating you to coffee on Friday March 13, 10am -12pm. All art is for sale, and I will have some coasters there as well if you need a little gift for someone.

Many of you know that I find learning new technology a challenge, but I never give up. I'll find a way to get it done, even if I have to call a friend.😈. At present I am about to use an email service provider and hope to have it up by my next newsletter, so it will look a little different. Please be assured, I will NEVER give out your info to anyone.

On a personal note, my husband and I will celebrate 50 years of wedded bliss this month. I know..how can that be? when I am only 39! Time certainly does fly and I am feeling grateful for our good health and wonderful daughters and grandchildren. Here's to 50 more??

The creativity tip πŸ–Œ for this time is about 'grisaille' It is basically a painting done in many shades of grey. It is a great way to learn shading and depth of field. One way to start, is to do a black and white photocopy of a simple still life. Using shades of grey, paint the image. Once it is dry, start adding layers of colour. If you are using acrylics, add to acrylic medium [matte] a very small amount of colour. Let each layer dry and add another layer on top with a tiny amount more of colour mixed with medium. If you want to invest in Open acrylics you can blend them more easily without letting them dry completely. If you have questions, please ask.

I am attaching a photo of a recently completed painting called...'We're Not in Kansas Anymore' . You can see I'm letting my child out to play. I had so much fun doing this one. It will be in the spring shows.


Til next time, ROCK ONπŸ’ƒ



2020-03 Your Home..Your Style..My Art

Hello Dear Art Lover Welcome to YOUR Creative LifeπŸ–Œ 

Hope this February finds you in good health. So many people have succumbed to various bugs that have been making the rounds. πŸ˜· Thankfully I have avoided the dreaded lurgy. And it's not because I've been hibernating. It's almost been as busy as the pre-Christmas party season.

We had a wonderful opening at the Artist Network gallery on Jan 23 at 1158 Queen St E. The show runs til Feb 23, so there is still time for you to check it out. There are a lot of very talented artists in the show.πŸ–Œ

In building my art business, as well as showing my work in art shows, I keep my website updated. gailwilliamsartist.com Please check out my latest series entitled 'Stories'.πŸ“’ As you probably have noticed, most of my paintings evolve around a story. Sometimes I know what the story is before I start, but very often the story is not revealed until the painting is finished. Often the story unfolds much later. And the viewer also engages with the painting adding her/his own insights. Another thing I am asked, is how I name my paintings. What I do is make notes of phrases in the books I read or the music I hear. When I finish the work, I go through my notebook to find the title that resonates with what I have created. The most recently finished painting, which I have attached was called 'Looking for the next gig' while I was working on it. But when it was finished it just had to be called 'It's A Whole New World' 

I attach a photo of one almost done work and am puzzled about a name. Please help me with your suggestions.πŸ€”

Many of you know that travel is one of my passions. Two years ago was a trip to Prague, Berlin and the Czech Republic. My BFF Dorothy and I are perfectly paired travel partners. She's shown enjoying the gift shop at Prague castle.

πŸ–ŒMy creativity tip for this week is to indulge your appetite for eye candy. Spend time perusing those expensive art books in Chapters or the library. Or perhaps, treat yourself to a book that makes you swoon. There are so many. I could spend hours and lots of dollars feasting my eyes on some of them.

I'd love to hear what artists speak to you.

Til next time, ROCK ON.πŸ’ƒ



Hello dear Art Lover. Welcome to YOUR Creative LifeπŸŒ‹ πŸ–ŒπŸŒ‹ 

Hope your new year has started with an explosion of happy encounters like mine has.Thanks to Mira and Sheree for adding some of  my art to their homes. Now I have my art in some new places in this country. How exciting is that! My latest creation ' Raise Your Voice' flew out of the studio as predicted by several of you. As well as many other pieces. My gratitude to you both.

The Artist Network's current show, called 'Home' is on now, with the opening party on Thursday Jan 23,6-9pm1158 Queen St E , Toronto. Please come down to share some beautiful paintings and a glassof wine. It runs until Feb 22 [ not Feb 5 as the card says] My painting 'Guardian Angel' shares a corner with 2 of the Labatt Studio artists, Nancy Bennett and Connie Gorsline, both talented artists.

You may get a laugh out of my one attachments. Too many people suffer from EWS..Empty Wall Syndrome.πŸ€•I am doing my best to remedy the condition. I would love to invite you for a studio visit at 7 Labatt Ave,on the second floor of a soon- to- be -demolished- for -condos building. πŸ˜ˆ Message to make an appt.The doctor is in!πŸ˜‚

πŸ–ŒART JOURNALLING FOR JOY classes start Feb 1,8,15 and 22. Tap into your creativity, have fun and break the rules! From 10 am - 1pm, $180.00, $10.00 supply fee. No experience required. Message for more info.

I don't think I would have the energy I am blessed with if it wasn't for my love of essentrics and my instructor Sheri. Her dynamic personality keeps me going with 3 classes a week as well asmy yoga class. A good balance for me. I attached her pic and you can see her vibrancy jump off the page.Check out www.sheriessentrics.com.πŸ’ƒ

Rock on


2020-01 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020

Hello dear art lover Welcome to YOUR Creative Life

What can I say but WOW!!😁 Last year was the best for me in my art career so far and I have all of you to thank for supporting it.

Looking back I realize that it really does take a village. Some people buy my art, some donate to my fundraiser, some come to my shows and enjoy the work, and some respond to this newsletter and do the exercises I suggest. But what I get is the cheering on that keeps me creating more. I can never adequately say 'Thank You' enough for your kind thoughts and words.

I thought I would send a few family pics this time as I'm sure you want to see how the gingerbread progressed. And I wanted to brag on my beautiful daughters too. I am lucky that they want to hang out with me sometime. That was a pedicure and lunch date.

I've also attached a photo of my last completed painting. It is mixed media, 31 x 24, and is called 'Raise Your Voice' As usual, you see some disparate images...birds, buildings and the mysterious stranger in the bottom right. I stole the idea of wrapping the side colour onto the front to create a frame,  from one of my talented studio mates and I think it works! 

And now....I am announcingπŸ“’ the creation of an art journalling course. Come out and play with us.πŸ–Œ Tap into your creativity and record all those good ideas.

Dates: Feb 1, 8, 15 and 22

Time: 10 am to 1pm

Location: 7 Labatt Ave, second floor

Cost: $180.00 

Supply fee : $10.00 

You will be given a book to transform and I will supply everything else.

Space is limited but your creativity is not. Be prepared to break rules and have fun. I have a list of students already.

So don't be disappointed, get your name in now.

Rock on in 2020!🐣
